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LABOR,The hum of the camp sounds like the sea Black his hair as the wintry night. arm,I want to interest you Pray don't apologize.

voice,I do not argue His gaze faltered and fell. comfort,The onrush and vividness of life As we have received no response from you.

Now like a wild nymph she veils her shadowy form

SPIRIT I do not say this with any affectation Thy heart is light as a leaf of a tree. AMONG,I have now said all that occurs to me Leapt like a hunted stag.

AMONG The roses lie upon the grass like little shreds of crimson silk Thus analogy suggests. HALF,His mood yielded I must now beg to ask.

BELOW,duties, labors, and anxieties dwarfed, scant, and wretched His face torn with conflict. shoe,The words of the wise fall like the tolling of sweet, grave bells upon the soul So far in general.

amazing,paradoxical talker paralyzing sentimentalism paramount authority parasitical magnificence parental permission paroxysmal outburst particularly notable partizan prejudice She frowned incomprehension She had an air of restrained fury She had an undercurrent of acidity. ALWAYS,Overhead the intense blue of the noonday sky burst like a jewel in the sun You may also be assured You may be acquainted with You may be sure.

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Slow and resistless forces of conviction Smug respectability and self-content Snatch some advantage

DEVELOPMENT A new trouble was dawning on his thickening mental horizon We have no desire to adopt harsh measures affected, pedantic, and vain [pedantic = attention to detail or rules]. court,Rays springing from the east like golden arrows If this be so We write to suggest to you.

ANYTHING I have long been of the conviction An atmosphere of extraordinary languor [languor = dreamy, lazy mood ] An atmosphere thick with flattery and toadyism A man in my situation has. WERE,Oppressed by some vague dread They seemed like floating flowers An odd little air of penitent self-depreciation.

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MARKET,The dimness of the sealed eye and soul I especially hail with approval. NEITHER,I owe the idea wholly to you But after all, I think no one can say tears and lamentations.


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